
VIBRANT BIOME PROBIOTICS 28 - Ultra Potent, Super-Pure, Scientific Formula Probiotics! 28 billion CFUs per serving, 24 strains, 60 servings.

MSRP: $57.00
Now: $45.60
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Vibrant Biome Probiotics 28

28 Billion CFU High Potency SBO Probiotic Supplement


Vibrant Biome Probiotics 28 are made with 24 strains of the most beneficial probiotics to support your healthy microbiome and gut function. VB-28 offers 28 Billion active CFU's of probiotics per serving and includes Organic Artichoke Inulin, Fructooligosaccharide, and L-Glutamine to support the repair of your digestive tract. Sarvaa’s SBO Sporebiotic Probiotics are shelf-stable, highly potent and arrive alive! Healing your gut can heal your entire body and drastically upgrade your quality of life. Invest in your health with the best probiotics on the market!

Health Upgrades from Vibrant Biome Probiotics 28

  • Reduce chronic inflammation
  • Create resiliency against Autoimmune Diseases
  • Create nutrients in your GI tract: vitamins, enzymes, and short-chain fatty acids
  • Restore intestinal cell wall health and integrity
  • Replace Candida with beneficial yeasts & bacteria
  • Repair Leaky Gut Syndrome (Intestinal Permeability)
  • Alkalize blood pH levels
  • Reduce or eliminate food sensitivities
  • Reduce or eliminate allergies and Hay Fever
  • Improve your mood

Benefits of SBO Sporebiotic Probiotics:

  • More efficiently eliminate toxins
  • Improve blood sugar levels
  • Assist in avoiding or healing Type II Diabetes
  • Improve skin health and radiance
  • Improve your immune system function
  • Improve sleep
  • Balance hormone production
  • Limit gas and bloating
  • Increase mental health and clarity
  • Improve emotional health and stability
  • Rebuild stamina and strength
  • Recover faster from illnesses, surgery, or intense exercise


How Do I Use Vibrant Biome Probiotics 28?

Daily Use: 1/3 level teaspoon once per day will give you 28 billion active CFU's of beneficial bacteria. These are potent yet gentle probiotics that are designed for daily consumption.

Therapeutic Use: 1/2 to 3/4 rounded teaspoon three times per day, or as recommended by your healthcare professional.

Supplemental Use: 3/4 teaspoon 1 - 2 per week along with other probiotic-rich foods like sour kraut, kim chee, kefir, probiotic yogurts etc.

Helpful Tips: Studies show that eating foods that contain good quality Prebiotics greatly enhances the ability of probiotics to do their job and populate your gut with the best possible beneficial bacteria. Please do your best to consume plenty of both raw and cooked vegetables daily. Also, try to eat some raw fruits with the lowest sugar content possible. For instance, do not eat fully ripe bananas, but eat them as green as you possibly can. Because unhealthy bacteria in our gut microbiome feeds on sugar and simple carbohydrates, limiting these from your diet and replacing with more vegetables is highly recommended. 

Additional Tips:

Invest in yourself. For the first 10 - 14 days of taking Vibrant Biome Probiotics, you will want to really "leverage" the benefits of probiotics by eating better than usual and supporting your body by getting extra rest. This way the most beneficial bacteria have an environment in which they can grow stronger and the bad ones ease their way out quickly.

Be kind to yourself. Each one of us is an individual with different bodily needs. The pace at which you consume probiotics may be very different from the person standing next to you. If consuming probiotics at the recommended dose is producing unfavorable results, such as excessive bowel movements, reduce your intake and then gradually increase it to the recommended serving. Or you may want to start minimally from the beginning and gradually increase your consumption of Vibrant Biome Probiotics for the first 10 - 14 days. One of the reasons we don't sell our probiotics in capsule form is to allow for individual dosing. 

Eat Prebiotic substances such as Resistant Starch (RS) and Fermentable Fiber (FF). RS and FF provide an ideal food and growing environment for good bacteria to flourish and for bad bacteria or bad fungus in your body to be released. To get more FF, eat more salads! Make stir-fry, mild curries, or stews with veggies like broccoli, cabbage, yams, fennel root, kale, onion, and garlic, and please do not overcook these! Eat your favorite beans and legumes. Eat fewer dairy products and less meat because they contain no RS or FF. 

Why Should I Take a Probiotic?

Beneficial Bacteria (a.k.a. Probiotics) are absolutely essential to your health. They're part of the community of micro-organisms in your gut and on your body known as your microbiome. They work minute by minute to boost your immune system, defend you from harmful bacteria and viruses, and help to heal disease, chronic inflammation, food sensitivities, and seasonal allergies.

If your microbiome is weakened or compromised by stress, sleeplessness, and a poor diet the beneficial probiotic bacteria in your gut can weaken and be kicked out by invasive, disease promoting bacteria and yeasts.

Every bite of healthy food you eat shapes your microbiome by supporting the biosphere in your gut so beneficial bacteria can grow and thrive. Supporting the beneficial bacteria promotes your long-term health and happiness by preventing disease and imbalance and encouraging your body to grow healthy, happy cells. That's right, probiotics encourage your body to express healthy versions of your genetics.

For decades mainstream science has argued that your inherited genetics drive the fate of your health, but now that conversation is shifting to an understanding that your microbiome is the driving conscious mechanism behind your health. This means that your health is an expression of your lifestyle and habits, and not some static inevitability you're stuck with. Building a vibrant and healthy microbiome can be a hugely empowering milestone in your journey to health, and Vibrant Biome Probiotics is here to help.


Not All Probiotics Are Equal

Many probiotic are made up of the typical "Lacto strains" like Lactobacillus acidopholis. These are very inexpensive and don't have the same assimilation, potency and functionality that Sarvaa's Sporebiotic Vibrant Biome Probiotics offer.

Sarvaa Vibrant Biome Probiotics are certified to be the most potent and affordable SBO probiotics on the market. So don't let a first glance at the price fool you.

Vibrant Biome Probiotics 28 contain:

  • two months' supply of SBO Sporebiotic Probiotics
  • Only cost 3.4 cents per 1 Billion CFUs 
  • 1,680 Billion CFU per 2.12 ounce jar, which is the most potent Sporebiotics in bulk at wholesale cost.
  • Vibrant Biome Probiotics contain way more CFUs per serving, and way more CFUs per jar than any other Sporebiotics on the market.

Why are SBOs More Expensive?

  • Spore-forming bacteria are significantly more expensive to cultivate and harvest than other probiotics.
  • SBO probiotics typically have a slower growth rate since they're larger, more advanced and complex micro-organisms than most beneficial bacteria.
  • SBOs are much larger organisms than typical probiotics, and therefore less CFU will fit into any given capsule.

Why are Sporebiotics Better for Me?

  • Spore-forming bacteria have a 98% survival rate in stomach acids, and actually proliferate in your lower digestive tract where you need them.
  • They survive your stomach acid to reach your lower GI tract, so you actually get results!
  • Sporebiotics are the only probiotic strains that are proven to be shelf stable (does NOT require refrigeration).
  • Sporebiotics are the only probiotics to take during a round of antibiotics because SFU's survive the antibiotics and arrive alive in your lower intestines.

This is why all of Sarvaa's probotics are Sporebiotic probiotics and why we only sell them in bulk instead of capsules.

Criteria of the Best Probiotics

Whether you're purchasing Sarvaa's Vibrant Biome Probiotics or another brand, make sure that your probiotics contain at least 10 different research-proven probiotic strains, and that they're delivering at least 20 billion Colony Forming Units (CFU) per serving. Make sure they contain at least three strains of Sporebiotics, i.e. Bacillus Subtilis, Bacillus Coagulans, etc. and that they're shelf stable and temperature resistant. It's always a plus if they include a prebiotic "food" to ensure the effectiveness of the beneficial bacteria, and don't have allergens such as dairy, soy, wheat or corn starch. 

Vibrant Biome Probiotics-28 Ingredients

Bacillus strains: B. coagulans, B. subtilis, B. clausii

Bifidobacterium strains: B. breve, B. bifidum, B. infantis, B. lactis, B. longum

Lactobacillus strains: L. acidophilus, L. brevis, L. bulgaricus, L. casei, L. fermentum, L. gasseri, L. lactis, L. paracasei, L. plantarum, L.reuteri,  L. rhamnosus, L. rhamnosus GG, L. Sakei, L. salivarius

Other strains: Streptococcus thermophilus, Saccharomyces Boulardii

Pre-biotic Gastrointestinal Tract Support: Organic Artichoke Inulin, L-Glutamine, Fructooligosaccharide (FOS)


What is the difference between Vibrant Biome Probiotics-28, Vibrant Biome Probiotics-58 and Vibrant Biome Probiotics-108?

The 24 strains of probiotics in all three products are exactly the same. The difference is that Vibrant Biome Probiotics 28 contains-28 billion active Colony Forming Units (CFU), Vibrant Biome Probiotics-58 contains 58 billion active CFU per serving, and Vibrant Biome Probiotics-108 contains a whopping 108 billion active CFU per serving! VB-28 and VB-58 also contain organic Prebiotics and L-Glutamine, an essential amino acid that helps the digestive lining repair and heal. 

The jar sizes are the same, but the ratios of Probiotics to Prebiotics & L-Glutamine varies. This is what it looks like:

VB-108 only has Probiotics and no prebiotics or L-Glutamine.

VB-58 has Probiotics and some prebiotics and L-Glutamine. 

VB-28 has Probiotics and a large amount of prebiotics and L-Glutamine.

Prebiotics serve as a food for the probiotics and assist the proliferating and colonialization of the probiotics in the gut microbiome. If you already eat a lot of prebiotic fibers & resistant starches, you don't need L-Glutamine and you want a concentrated dose of Probiotics, VB-108 is a great option for you. If you are very sensitive to Probiotics, serving to an elder or child and/or want a large dose of prebiotics and L-Glutamine, VB-28 is your best choice. VB-58 is for those in the midle of this spectrum.

Because our SBO probiotics are not capsulated, you can choose dosage. So, if you purchase a VB-58 jar but reduce your daily dosage by half, you will be getting roughly the same amount of probiotics as you would if taking the full dose of VB-28 with less prebiotics ad L-Glutamine. Increasing or decreasing your daily dose of Probiotics is easy with our wholesale jar packaging!


What are SBO Probiotics?

Sporebiotics are Soil Based Organisms (SBOs) that evolved over time to survive direct sunlight, severe temperature changes, and even drought. To make this possible, SBOs evolved a shell to protect themselves. Just as their shell helps protect them from the elements, it helps them survive your stomach acid, in transportation, and to be shelf stable. Since humans have been interacting with these SBO Probiotics for thousands of years (because they are in the soil we cultivate our food in and on the plants we eat), SBOs like the Bacillus strains have become a familiar and essential part of our microbiome. 

  • Sporebiotics (SBOs) are beneficial bacteria that have evolved shells to protect them. The 'spore' refers to that shell.
  • These shells help the bacteria survive intense heat and pressure, survive your stomach acid, and reach your lower gastrointestinal (GI) tract, where they're really needed.
  • SBOs are some of the most potent good bacteria due to their robust nature.
  • They are not fungus; "Spore" refers to the shell around the bacteria during their "seed" state.
  • They have a 90 plus percent survival rate as they pass through your stomach acids.
  • SBOs arrive alive! No refrigeration is needed. They're fully viable for years without refrigeration.
  • SBO strains also include "leader strains" that oversee the healthy functioning of your microbiome by guiding the processes of other microflora, ie. they are your internal health coaches.

How SBO Probiotics Work

Under the protection of their outer shell, SBOs enter the body and pass through the stomach acid with a 98% survival rating. They move to your lower digestive tract and then hatch from the shell to proliferate where they are needed in your gut. They're great at digesting the insoluble fibers found in low-sugar fruits and vegetables. As they digest, dissolve, and ferment the insoluble fibers, they create many beneficial nutrients, chemicals, hormones, and short chain fatty acids that work with your immune system, your cells, your nervous system, and organs like your brain to create a balanced environment where healthy human cells grow and thrive.

These beneficial chemical byproducts aid all of the human cells in your body in expressing healthy genetic makeups! This means that beneficial bacteria like the SBO strains from the Bacillus family create an environment in your gut that supports your body in creating healthy DNA expression to build healthy, disease preventing/resistant cells. This is how these amazing beneficial Sporebiotics help your body to prevent imbalance, chronic inflammation, and chronic/acute disease.


SBO Probiotics and Your Microbiome 

What is Your Microbiome?

Your Microbiome is a community of trillions of microflora that are:

    1. Producing nutrients, vitamins, enzymes, and short-chain fatty acids for you
    2. Detoxing you and protecting you from diseases (fortifying your Immune System)
    3. Digesting and assimilating the foods you put in your body

This active community concentrated in your gut, and then spread throughout your body, responds directly to how you feed it. You have a symbiotic relationship with the bacteria and other flora within you. When you eat clean organic foods, fermented foods, and whole foods, you are supporting trillions of micro-beings who in turn create numerous benefits for you.

When you eat processed foods, non-organic and GMO foods, and refined foods, the good bacteria in your gut begin to die off and bad bacteria, unwanted yeasts and fungi start to take over. This is when inflammation and diseases start to set in. 

Your Microbiome also contains the majority of your genetic coding. How you feed your Microbiome directly impacts your genetics on a daily basis.


Your "Second" Brain

By now you may have heard that your body has more cells of microflora in your gut than the rest of your body combined. Think about that. As each cell plays an important role in our vitality, it's not a matter of, "It would be nice to have good gut flora." It's an absolute necessity.

How is this possible? Microbiome cells are much smaller than other cells in size. Still, the experts tell us that we have between three to five pounds of microflora in our gut. Amazing, considering that your heart weighs about one pound, and your brain weighs approximately three pounds. So why not deepen your commitment to the health of your "second" brain, your community of crucial microflora?

Your Microbiome and Your Immunity

Probiotics are one of the most effective and simple ways for keeping your body healthy. According to Johns Hopkins researchers, 80 percent of your immune system lives in your digestive tract. Keeping your gut full of beneficial bacteria ensures that you will be at your best health! Good bacteria in your digestive system helps you to digest food, absorb nutrients, and boost your immune system, making probiotics one of your best tools for reaching and maintaining thriving health.


Benefits of the Three Major Strains of Probiotics in Vibrant Biome Probiotics

Bacillus Strains: Guaranteed to Survive Stomach Acid and "Arrive Alive" in your Lower GI Tract where you really need them!

  • Bacillus probiotics are Soil Based Organizisms (SBOs) and are immune to high temperatures and rough handling.
  • Bacillus SBOs such as B. coagulans, B. subtilis, and B. clausii are the most research-proven strains.
  • Bacillus strains are proven to clear out the bad bacteria, bad yeast fungus like Candida, and make room for the good microflora.
  • Bacillus bacteria help digest resistant starches (RS) in your gut and turn that starch into essential nutrients that improve all aspects of your vitality.

Lactobacillus Strains: Your ally for Healing Leaky Gut, Promoting Healthy Skin, Vaginal and Prostate Health, and more!

  • Lactobacillus is a genus of bacteria, most commonly found in healthy humans, that aids in the production of healthy lactic acid.
  • These strains are effective at countering the presence of candida, cavity-causing bacteria, and eradicating H. Pylori.
  • They support the healthy lining of your digestive tract and lower the probability for Intestinal Permeability (Leaky Gut Syndrome).
  • Help maintain vaginal health, pH levels, and urinary tract health by controlling urinary and vaginal infections.
  • Essential for prostate health, helping prevent and manage common prostate conditions such as prostatitis and benign prostatic hyperplasia (bph), and may play a part in reducing prostate cancer.
  • Known to counter eczema by producing anti-inflammatory cytokines.
  • Reduce your gas and bloating by promoting healthy fermentation in your lower GI Tract
  • Support your upper and lower digestive tract
  • Help your body produce and absorb healthy vitamins and minerals
  • Lower presence of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Soothe diarrhea, too!

Bifidobacteria: Bacteria that Support your Immune Function, GI Tract Health, Dairy Intolerance, and more!

  • Bifidobacteria is a genus of bacteria that helps maintain homeostasis in the human digestive tract.
  • Helps maintain healthy digestive lining.
  • Helps your body maintain healthy immune function.
  • Helps turn plant-based carbohydrates into healthy energy for your cells' use.
  • Helps turn milk and dairy-based carbohydrates into healthy energy for your cells' to use.



"I feel much more aliveness from Sarvaa probiotics than I've ever felt before! Frankly, many probiotics on the market are just too weak to do any good. But these are truly clinical-grade potency. I'm prescribing this to almost all my clients and it's given them relief from a surprising number of issues. Thanks again." Dr. Victoria Johnson, MD

"Since I work in the supplements section of a big health food store and get a nice discount on my supplements, I really didn't want to spend $100 on your probiotics. But everything I've gotten from you these past few years has been the best. And these are the same! You did it again! I truly feel more vibrant with these than the dozens of others I've used. Thanks for taking the time to make such great stuff. And it seems like you do it with genuine love and kindness." Ashley Burton, NY 

"I was suffering the after-effects from two months of taking antibiotics and was trying all kinds of probiotics to recover. I even bought the $69 little bottle of Mega Sporebiotic Probiotics that my doctor prescribed and said was the best probiotic to recover from antibiotics, but I felt nothing at all. My intestines felt dead and I was kind of giving up until I got your 90 billion one. Wow, by the second day, my intestines felt alive and gurgling in a good way, and my bowel movements finally got better. I just had to tell you, since I'm so grateful." M. Stancampiano, Colorado

"I work at a high-end Functional Medicine Clinic and have access to all the best supplements, regardless of cost. At first, I thought your new probiotics were overpriced, but now that I did the math on how few grams of probiotics are in the other ones, I see that yours are two to three times better than any others. And none of the others have a decent amount of Sporebiotic strains, so I really can't compare these others to yours. Anyway, please keep up the great work making such potent stuff affordable." Pamela McKenna, RN, San Francisco

"Honestly, at first I was skeptical. During my 27 years of practice, I've seen so much hype in the supplement realm that I'm very leery of hype vs substance. Luckily, Sarvaa Probiotics are the best I've seen in the last ten years, which has been a period of rapid progress in probiotic research. They're 700 percent better potency than the next best clinical probiotic on the market. And I appreciate the fact that the first three ingredients are Sporebiotic strains. The other strains are excellent, too. Now that I've been using them myself, and seeing such excellent results with my patients, I'm more convinced than ever."  Dr. Jim Forleo, Author of Health is Simple, Disease is Complicated

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. How can Sarvaa produce probiotics that are a higher potency than most?

A major factor that Sarvaa is able to share high potency probiotics is that we don't spend big money on marketing. We put all our resources into making the best quality products at fair prices and let word of mouth spread the message. This is the opposite of most supplement companies who spend up to 50 percent of their budgets on marketing, and consequently the quality of their products suffer.

We offer super high potency probiotics in bulk. A typical bottle of probiotics only contains 9-13 grams of actual probiotics in 30 capsules. And the CFU count ranges from 5 billion to 50 billion. With Sarvaa Vibrant Biome Probiotics-50, you get 60 grams (our smallest size) of pure and potent probiotics in each jar which is equivalent to at least 4.5 bottles of other manufacturers' probiotics. When comparing, be sure to check for a significant presence of Sporebiotic strains of probiotics.

2. Why not capsules?

A. Price. You get way more potency and sheer quantity of actual probiotics because you're essentially buying in bulk instead of in capsules. And since there aren't the extra costs associated with encapsulation supplies and equipment, your hard-earned money is going to probiotics instead of those other factors.

B. Flexible dosages. Let's say you have to take antibiotics for some reason and want to be sure you're keeping the good bacteria strong and well proliferated in your gut. You could easily decide to take a greater amount for a couple of weeks to be certain your microbiome wasn't becoming deficient in any way. Or, perhaps you've already done a bigger dose of probiotics for a few weeks and want to save some money and do a 3/4 dose each day so that your jar lasts longer.

C. Purity. Your body doesn't need gelatin capsules or cellulose capsules. Your all-important Microbiome needs probiotics. And some pre-biotics to ensure that the beneficial bacteria are well-fed and start thriving.

D. Sustainability. There are a number of ways that you're contributing positively to people and the planet by buying you probiotics in bulk. Your purchase of one glass jar of Vibrant Biome is replacing as many as a dozen plastic bottles of typical probiotics that are usually carrying supplements in capsules.

3. Can Sporebiotics help with yeast infections?

SBOs are unique Spore Forming Bacteria. Although the word "spore" sounds like it might be fungus, the truth is that these are potent beneficial bacteria strains that are extremely helpful in eliminating harmful yeasts and any kind of unhealthy fungal overgrowth. And SBOs are actually some of the most highly prescribed and science-proven strains for healing vaginal yeast infections and the whole GI Tract. And SBO strains are typically the best for all stages of the process, from the beginning to the end, of rebuilding all aspects of your overall Microbiome to help prevent getting yeast infections in the first place.

4. Tell me more about prostate health and Probiotics.

Probiotics are highly beneficial to so many aspects of your health. Probiotics, especially the strains that are included in Vibrant Biome, are being shown to help prevent and manage common prostate woes, like prostatitis and benign prostatic hyperplasia, and may play a role in treating prostate cancer. What's really happening here is that high quality probiotics are assisting in reducing inflammation and resisting infection. Some experts believe that an imbalance in bacteria in the urethra can cause prostatitis. Too many antibiotics in your system can also trigger disease. So including excellent probiotics in your diet can help manage the bad bacteria and prevent them from finding their way into your prostate.

5. Why can’t I just eat yogurt?

Only if you make your own yogurt at home that is noticeably "bubbly" and effervescent will your yogurt have a high enough presence of beneficial bacteria to make it qualify as an effective source of probiotics. Have you ever wondered why no yogurt brands actually tell you how much bacteria you're getting per serving? Ever wondered why there's never a CFU number on the container? It's because the numbers are so terribly low that it would be an embarrassment to the companies to reveal them. Especially since a large number of the cheap yogurts have zero CFU so that they will have a much longer shelf life, and therefore make much more money for the manufacturers and the stores. Further, many of the bacteria present in yogurts have a very low survival rate when reaching the large intestine and colon. So even if the bacteria have survived long enough to enter your body, there's a good chance that they won't reach your lower GI where they are greatly needed.

6. Are Sarvaa Probiotics compatible with fermented foods?

Yes. However, for the first two weeks, one should be wise in the quantities of both that you're consuming. For instance, if you eat a large amount of your favorite fermented foods at breakfast, then it might be wise to use high potency Sarvaa Vibrant Biome later in the day, so as to avoid loose bowel movements, etc.

7. Should I stop taking SBO probiotics when taking an antibiotic?

First, you should always consult your doctor about this topic. However, many leading-edge doctors and other practitioners are actually prescribing SBO probiotics to their patients while they're on antibiotics. Why? Because all the good data points out that these Sporebiotic strains will continue to help you recover from whatever illness or foreign invader is in your body. And by taking Sporebiotic probiotics simultaneously with your antibiotic, you won't have to work nearly as hard to rebuild a healthy and thriving microbiome after you're done taking the course of antibiotics. This is unique to SBO Probiotics; not all probiotics interact well with antibiotics!

8. What about SIBO and probiotics?

Always consult your doctor if you have Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth, aka SIBO. This can be a very complex issue to understand, so it's always wise to do your homework. Many SIBO specialists suggest waiting to re-introduce any probiotics or fermented foods until after you've cleared up the overgrowth of bacteria, especially clearing out any overgrowth in your upper GI tract. However, once you are ready to rebuild your microbiome with the best possible beneficial bacteria, then Sporebiotic strains are often considered the safest route to pursue. This is due to their innate quality of being in "bacteria seed" form. They are unlikely to contribute to any unwanted excess bacterial overgrowth in your upper GI tract and will grow from seed to full blown beneficial bacterial in your lower intestines, where you really need them to flourish.

9. Do probiotics really help my mood?

Strangely enough, yes! Actually, a resounding yes! Because 95% of your serotonin is produced in your gut, that fact alone is proof that taking good care of your microbiome will help your attitude, outlook and overall resilience in the face of challenges. Also, the fact that the good bacteria in your lower GI tract are the little powerhouses that do the hard work of breaking down resistant starches and fermentable fiber that your stomach and small intestine are not designed to do. Why do you want them to do this work? Because this process is what you need to create all the short-chain fatty acids you need minute by minute, day by day to be happy and healthy! If your system is struggling to create and absorb the much-needed nutrients like short-chain fatty acids, then your vitality and mood will be stressed as well. So a happy gut makes a happy you!

Gluten-Free   Non-Dairy    Non-GMO   RAW   No Fillers or Binders   No Allergens   No Capsules 


This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. 
If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using this product.


12 Reviews

  • 5
    My favorite by far

    Posted by Dante Phillips on 20th Jun 2024

    I've been working in the Neutracetacals industry for over two decades and this company has by far the best quality and price point for these strains of probiotics than anything else on the market. And I'm glad they are small, and non-corporate. We use this every day.

  • 4
    Vibrant Biome Probiotics 28

    Posted by Linda on 15th Jan 2024

    I am also taking Sarvaa Organics Chlorella Blast. After some months I have noticed an improvement in my digestive problem which I have been dealing with for 5 +/- years.

  • 5
    Excellent product

    Posted by Stephanie Lin on 9th Nov 2023

    I bought this for my mom who is having stomach issues and had even more issues after taking a strong antibiotic. She used this for 3-4 days and said she feels much better! So thankful.

  • 5
    Vibrant Biome Probiotics 28

    Posted by Linda on 9th Sep 2023

    I have been using Vibrant Biome Probiotics 28 for several months now and think it has improved my problem with bouts of diarrhea.
    Although my problem hasn't gone away, I find some foods I was avoiding are back in my diet with no ill affects.
    I hope continued use will result in more improvement.

  • 5
    Vibrant Biome Probiotics 28

    Posted by Mary Ann Moore on 16th Jul 2023

    I love this product!!! It is great for my indigestion and regularity.

  • 4
    Vibrant Biome Probiotics 28

    Posted by Linda on 30th Jun 2023

    I recently began taking Vibrant Biome Probiotics 28 and Chlorella Blast to treat a digestive problem I've had for the past +/- 5 years.
    I'm happy to see a change already and am optimistic there will be further improvement.

  • 5

    Posted by Brent DuBois on 6th Jun 2023

    I have worked in the natural foods industry off and on for over 20 years. I have tried every probiotic imaginable in that time, and I never felt much of anything from any of them. After a lot of antibiotics last year, and dealing with an infection this year, I knew my gut was in need of a lot of work. From the first time I took Vibrant Biome over four months ago I felt an immediate positive difference in my gut. I have been using it as a part of a comprehensive supplement program for the last four months and I continue to see positive results. I have at least three friends who I recommended these to, and are now also hooked on these amazing probiotics. Thank you for making such a high quality product that works!

  • 5
    Vibrant biome probiotics-28 and Sita protein

    Posted by Donna Hicks on 4th Feb 2023

    The combo of these two make my belly feel great. Thank you for creating them. What do you have to help with sleep, lack of?

  • 5

    Posted by Anna on 26th Sep 2022

    Very good product

  • 5
    Vibrant Biome Probio is excellent

    Posted by Marjie McCann on 21st Sep 2022

    I have been having a hard time deciding what probiotic to use- they are so expensive, and it seems like an ethereal thing- to KNOW something is working.. but I was given a sample by a friend and realized within just a few days that this probiotic is definitely working, and I was pleased enough to buy a few jars, as well as recommend it to one of my practitioners. I am very excited that it has already changed how my gut is feeling, including shifting me out of an almost constant state of nervousness around candida overgrowth. I highly recommend it!

  • 5
    Vibrant Biome Probiotics-20

    Posted by Kelly Be on 22nd Jul 2022

    The miraculous happened: was truly suffering with beyond-inflamed itchy poison oak for several days. Was called to order this product, it arrived in less than 2 days!

    Ingested a serving, fell back asleep and upon awaking 3hrs later the rash dried up & is almost gone. W O W, what a tremendous blessing!!!

  • 5
    Big difference

    Posted by Tori E. on 21st Sep 2020

    I had a yeast infection and was miserable. Then my sister gave me some Sarvaa probiotics and it cleared up in a matter of a couple days! This stuff is the bomb.