
30G - Ultimate Plant-based Protein Powder. Clean, Vegan Protein w/ 30 grams protein per serving

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30G - The World's Cleanest Plant Protein Powder

Organic, Non-GMO, Gluten Free, Sugar Free, Sustainably Sourced

30G is a unique plant-based protein with 30 Grams of protein per serving. It’s simple ingredients include 5 types of plant protein: Sprouted Borwn Rice, Pea, Pumpkin Seed, Hemp and Sacha Inchi. The bulk of 30G comes from sprouted and fermented ingredients, a process that metabolizes the lectin and starch-rich elements of the plant into protein, increasing the bioavailability of the protein to ensure it’s easy to digest and assimilate.

Whether you're looking for more potent plant proteins simply for better health, to reduce your impact on this beautiful planet, to lose weight, to build lean muscle mass, or to prevent cruelty to animals, 30g is the best plant-based protein powder to achieve all these goals.


Benefits from 30G:

  • Neutral Flavor
  • Easily Add to Shakes and Smoothies
  • Build Lean Muscle Mass for Strength and Stamina
  • Reduce Cravings for Sugars and Refined Carbs
  • Complete Protein, Excellent Branch Chain Amino
  • Great for Pre-Exercise Fuel or Post-Workout Recovery
  • Easy to Digest
  • Superior Assimilation

Features of 30G:

  • Organic, Non-GMO, Vegan, and Gluten-Free
  • 30 Grams of Complete Plant Protein per Serving
  • Ultra-Low Glycemic: No Refined Sugars
  • Simple Ingredients: No fillers, No flavors, No additives
  • Complete with the Nine Amino Acids that You Need to Thrive
  • Cleanest Protein Source: 3rd Party Lab Tested
  • Free of All Harmful Toxins or Anti-Nutrients
  • Created in an Allergen-Free Facility
  • Free of Whey and Soy for better Bioavailability
  • Environmentally Sustainable


How much protein do you need?

This is actually a surprisingly hot topic considering that human protein consumption has been studied extensively for decades. The USDA has suggested an RDA of .8 grams of protein per kilo of body weight. Other countries and research organizations use slightly higher or lower numbers as their RDA. Some groups argue for a higher baseline RDA based on certain research results. And not surprisingly other studies have concluded the opposite. What should we do? Let's look at what is universally agreed on.

Here are the factors that are generally agreed on for calculating ideal protein intake: 

  • Your age
  • Your gender
  • Your genetics
  • Your activity level (epigenetics)
  • The sources of your protein (epigenetics)
  • If you have a specific goal to build more muscle mass

The USDA recommends that an adult eats approximately .8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight on average. But again, this varies a bit depending on the above factors. Recommendations for women are even more nuanced due to addition factors such as monthly cycle and whether a women is pregnant or lactating.

Since there are 2.2 pounds per kilogram, the recommended amounts of protein for adults is .36 grams of protein per pound of body weight. For example a female that weighs 150 pound would have a protein RDA calculation as follows:

150 x .36 = 54 grams of protein on average per day. This translates into ounces as follows. 

54g/28.35= 1.9 oz of protein per day for an adult that weighs 150 lbs.

There is significant debate on this topic, so it's fair to assume that there is approximately a 20-30% variation from person to person depending on the factors that apply to you. If you weigh 150 lbs, then you could feel comfortable with a protein consumption range of 1.5 ounces to 2.5 ounces of pure protein (100% protein) per day. 

Note: In the above calculations that refer to "pure protein" which would be 100% protein, it's essential to remember that there is no such thing as 100% protein found in nature, or in stores. The closest you can get to 100% would be protein powders that are 80% pure protein such as Sprouted Brown Rice Protein.

Remember: It's the Amino Stack Effect That Counts.

It's actually impossible to do an accurate calculation on your daily protein intake when you're eating a normal diet that includes a variety of foods. Why? Because even foods we don't normally think of as "protein foods" such as veggies, actually contain good quantities of amino acids. And remember that it's amino acids that your body is using not this handy word, "protein". Remember, "protein" is simply a word we normal people use so we don't have to say, " 9 essential amino acids that we must consume."

Your body uses Amino Acids every moment, not "Protein."

Allow us to get technical for a moment here. Chemists and Biologists use the word "protein" for any combination of Amino Acids, and there are hundreds of "proteins" found in nature. Why? Because amino acids are the building blocks of all life forms. So these multitudes of amino acid chains that are labeled "proteins" create everything from insects, birds, plants and animals.

Eating More Protein for Weight Loss.

Some studies have shown measurable benefits from increased protein consumption as a helpful component in a weight loss program. But only to a certain point. And they discovered that when looking more closely at the data, the researchers realized that the increased protein was more effective for weight loss if the increase in protein directly replaced consumption of sugar and refined carbohydrates as opposed to simply eating more protein without reducing at least some of the sugars and refined carbs.

Can I eat too much protein?

Yes. But this topic is not black and white. It depends on a whole host of factors that range from age, activity level, gender, sources of protein and genetics. It's typically agreed that you are in more danger of eating too much protein if the protein sources include beef and pork due to all the unhelpful "anti-nutrients" that come along with these heavy meats; and, because all meats are completely missing any of the other essential nutrients such as dietary fiber, phyto-nutrients, and many vitamins and minerals that are found in abundance in plant-based food.


 What Others Are Saying About 30G:

"So far I'm liking this better than all the other straight-up protein powders that I've tried. Sometimes I like to add this 30g powder to their Cacao Plus powder roughly 50-50 for the taste aspects and all the other good nutrition stuff in Cacao Plus." Daveed L.

"I've always loved Sarvaa products. I have used their Cacao Plus for years. I started feeling like I needed more protein in my meal replacement so I thought, "Maybe it's time to try a new product". I tried 2 very popular products that were not Sarvaa. These products claimed to be "clean". The way my body immediately responded to these products was very negative. I started examining the ingredients of these other brands a little more closely and I started to see Xanthum Gum, Guar Gum, Synthetic sweeteners and very poor quality of vitamin added, all while still claiming to be of the highest, clean quality. I went back to Sarvaa to request a higher protein powder be added to their products and *lo-and-behold* they had already created one! I tried it and I'm hooked! It's just what I was looking for! I just add a scoop to my Cacao Plus and it creates a protein-packed, very clean smoothie that my body absorbs and processes easily and properly. I very much appreciate the EXTREME QUALITY of this product and its ingredients. I'm so grateful to have this product available. Thanks Sarvaa!" Melissa M.

"I've been lucky to be one of the 'behind the scenes' testers of 30g for the last year, and I'm hooked. I'm an average athlete so I can't speak to the efficacy of 30g for someone who is competing in ultra high level athletic events. However, I can say that this has definitely improved my performance in terms of my overall energy and my strength. And I'm happy to report that this easy protein is saving me some time and money since it's easy to add to everything from shakes to oatmeal. It's got a very neutral flavor that I really appreciate."  David V.



The 5 Ingredients in 30G:

1. Organic Sprouted Brown Rice Protein

80% Pure Protein. No Starches. Many people still believe that because Sprouted Rice Protein began as rice that it's still "a grain". The truth is: plain, unsprouted rice is only about 7% protein and the rest is starch and fiber. However after sprouting the organic rice kernels, and cold filtering the residual starches, the result is a super clean Organic Rice Protein that is 80% pure protein!

The other 20%. The remaining 20% is Vitamins, Minerals, Dietary Fiber, and a few percent of good carbohydrates. Sprouted Rice Protein is one of the easiest to digest, most affordable, best tasting, and least allergy-prone proteins available. A true superfood.

Ideal for vegans, vegetarian athletes. Anybody looking to increase or improve the amount of clean protein in their diet will greatly appreciate Sprouted Brown Rice protein, which is rapidly becoming one of the most popular plant protein sources. Not only does this plant protein offer a full spectrum of amino acids, it is also easily digested, absorbed and assimilated by the body.

Bio-fermented, The best form of rice protein is Bio-fermented, raw and sprouted whole grain brown rice protein, which combines the sprouted endosperm and the bran. Being naturally hypoallergenic, this source of plant protein can be consumed by almost everyone. Being very lean and low in fat, this source of protein is great for those wanting a pure protein that is easy to digest and promotes weight loss while also promoting muscle recovery. At 80% pure protein, it's great for everyone from athletes to the elderly!

Sprouted vs Non-Sprouted. When brown rice is sprouted, it means that it’s been soaked in water and has begun to germinate. The sprouting process utilizes the starch in the rice kernel as metabolic fuel to produce the new growth of the sprout, and therefore much of the starch that is naturally found in rice get transformed into protein, vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber. Once sprouted and germinated, the rice actually becomes a potent protein with very little sugar or starch content, unlocking amino acids that drastically improve the body’s ability to utilize and absorb the nutrients, thus becoming a unique superfood that is 80% pure protein..

Blood Sugar Benefits. Unlike ordinary rice protein which can actually boost your blood sugar levels and cause a blood sugar “crash,” sprouted rice protein creates an even flow of energy thru the body without a crash. 

There's more. The sprouting and fermenting process greatly decreases the Phytic Acid and Lectin content to make it an even more ideal protein source! Another benefit? Sprouted brown rice protein is often much smoother in texture than other plant proteins, making it ideal for blending into smoothies or drinks. 

Important. - You'll be much better off if you use products that utilize only Organic rice protein to eliminate the dangers of residual heavy metals that are almost always found in non-organic rice protein. 

2. Organic Pea Protein

Allergen-Free. Entirely gluten-free, soy-free and dairy-free, pea protein is great for vegans or vegetarians. It is known to have a large amount of amino acids, fiber, and a high iron content. 

80% pure protein. Pea Protein is also fermented and has left behind the excess starches and the other components that many of us find hard to digest in normal legumes and beans. As well, Pea Protein when combined with Brown Rice Protein includes the three essential Branch Chain Amino Acids, BCAAs.

Branch Chain Amino Acids. There's a lot of buzz amongst athletes and others that are looking for the absolute fastest and best "recovery protein" after intense muscle action of any kind. And traditionally, most people have had to rely on whey protein with all of it's inherent negative qualities. Now with the increased availability of Organic Pea Protein and the perfect synergy of combining Organic Pea Protein with Organic Brown Rice Protein, this duo of proteins can offer your body the best branch chain amino acids available!

What are BCAAs? BCAA are amino acids that have side-chains of three or more carbon atoms, and they account for nearly half of mammalian muscle proteins. These three BCAAs essential to mammals are leucineisoleucine and valine, and they account for 35% of essential amino acids in muscle proteins, and 40% of the preformed amino acids required by mammals! 

Warning. Be sure to use only Organic Pea Protein! Otherwise you'll be consuming residual toxic chemicals in your protein!

3. Organic Pumpkin Seed Protein

Made from select grade organic pumpkin seeds, this pure plant-based protein source includes an ultra-healthy mix of other macro- and micro-nutrients such as Vitamins, Minerals, Fiber and Essential Fatty Acids.

Minerals. Pumpkin Seed Protein is a great source of bio-available minerals such as Zinc, Magnesium, and Iron.

Healthy Fats. Pumpkin Protein is tied for 1st place alongside Hemp Protein as one of the best protein powders that gives you the side benefits of Essential Fats to enhance brain function and build a resilience in your Autonomic Nervous System.

Alkalizing and Can Reduce Inflammation. Pumpkin seed protein contains significant amounts of Phytonutrients such as chlorophyll that can alkalize and cleanse your body. It can also calm and reduce inflammation in your body.*

Non-Allergenic. Pumpkin Protein meets all the proper criteria for being the perfect allergen-free protein alternative to soy protein, whey protein, collagen protein or shellfish protein. Pumpkin Seed Protein is naturally gluten-free, dairy-free and soy-free.


4. Organic Hemp Protein

Your Benefits. Some of the health benefits of consuming hemp protein include weight loss, increased energy, rapid recovery from disease or injury, reduced inflammation, a boost in immunity and natural blood sugar control.*

Earth Friendly. Hemp protein is one of the most "earth-friendly" plant proteins on the planet. Unlike soy, hemp has not been subject to genetic modification and is one of the most sustainable plants as it needs next to zero pesticides, chemicals, or fertilizers. Much like a weed, hemp is incredibly adaptive to a variety of growing conditions and environments which makes hemp a safe source of protein that requires very little processing to produce.

Great Amino Mix. Much like other seeds, beans, or legumes, hemp seed is an excellent source of protein as it contains all of the 21 amino acids humans need– including the 9 essential amino acids that the body cannot produce on its own.

Potent. Did you know that 2 tablespoons of hemp protein powder can provide you up to 15 grams of usable protein. Hemp seeds are truly a gift from nature. Containing a balanced and concentrated blend of protein, essential fats (Omega 3 & 6), vitamins, minerals, and enzymes combined, with relatively low levels of sugar, or starches, hemp is one of nature’s perfect foods – a true Superfood!

5. Organic Sacha Inchi Protein

Complete Protein. Unlike many of the other sources of plant proteins, Sacha Inchi contains all nine essential amino acids. This qualifies it as a more “complete protein" similar to animal proteins. Therefore Sacha inchi is a good replacement for animal proteins and makes it easier than ever to get the nutrients you need on a plant-based diet.*

Brain Food. Sacha inchi can boost your brainpower! It contains neuroprotective properties that can help to reduce the brain’s vulnerability to acute injuries such as strokes and spinal cord injuries. Sacha inchi has also been shown to improve mental health, and may help to reduce the symptoms of depression.*

Vitamin A. Vitamin A is one of the most important micro-nutrients, well known for protecting your eyesight, strengthening your bones, and enhancing healthy growth and reproduction. 

Vitamin E. Numerous studies have shown that Vitamin E is a potent antioxidant that helps to protect cells from harmful free radicals. Vitamin E can support your immune system, and prevent a host of degenerative illnesses.*

Satisfying. Because Sacha Inchi is so high in both protein and beneficial fatty acids, Sacha Inchi can go a long way towards creating a delightful sense of satiety for hours after being consumed.

Sustainable. Sacha Inchi is a highly sustainable source of protein, especially when compared to many common sources of protein like meat or dairy. Overall, plant proteins tend to contribute much less environmental pollution and are typically farmed sustainably in their natural habitat.




  • Organic Sprouted Brown Rice Protein, (80% Pure Protein).
  • Organic Pea Protein, (80% Pure Protein).
  • Organic Pumpkin Seed Protein, (60% Pure Protein)
  • Organic Hemp Seed Protein, (60% Pure Protein)
  • Organic Sacha Inchi Protein, (60% Pure Protein)

Love Your Body!  Love Everybody!


*The statements on this site have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using this product.


11 Reviews

  • 5
    Protein Powder

    Posted by Judalon on 18th Aug 2024

    The cleanest, best protein powder available.

  • 5

    Posted by Unknown on 28th Apr 2024

    Easy to add to various foods with a great texture

  • 5
    Perfect for Me

    Posted by Unknown on 30th Mar 2024

    This protein is perfect in that I can add it to anything and it's easy to digest.

  • 5
    Neutral taste easy to digest

    Posted by Unknown on 17th Feb 2024

    I appreciate the neutral taste as this protein can be added to anything. The texture is also great.

  • 5
    Easy to digest and mix with almost anything

    Posted by Unknown on 16th Jan 2024

    This protein powder is so easy on my system. It easily mixes with almost anything so I can use it with a lot of different dishes. Thank you for making such clean products!

  • 5
    Best protein powder I've ever used

    Posted by TempePetSitter on 15th Jan 2024

    I mean this brand - the flavors I love are chocolate.
    I bought this protein to add to that - sort of give it a boost.
    I'm trying to lose weight, and can't. So I thought I'd up the protein. This is a great way to do that.

  • 4
    Easily digestible and tastes great

    Posted by Unknown on 21st Nov 2023

    30 grams is my new favorite protein powder. All other brands of protein powder cause significant digestive issues for me and this is super smooth. I give it 4 stars because the name is a little tricky: you need to use 7 tablespoons to get 30 grams. That's why it says per serving on the label! I bought a large amount and will be buying more soon. Thank you Sarvaa for your amazingly high quality products.

  • 5
    30g protein powder

    Posted by Vicki on 14th Aug 2023

    I have tried other protein powders and they have all left me feeling funky - this product has not done that so far and it helps me to not feel hungry all the time. I love it so far. I just purchased my 2nd bag and this time I got the big one because I loved the first bag so much.

  • 5

    Posted by Gloria on 18th May 2023

    I also put 30G in my morning protein drink which consists of filtered water, superfruit C, Pacha protein powder and super greens. Since I've been taking these products daily in the morning I feel fantastic.

  • 5
    Clean Plant Based Protein is FANTASTIC

    Posted by Melissa Mead on 10th Jan 2022

    I've always loved Sarvaa products. I have used their Cacao Plus for years. I started feeling like I needed more protein in my meal replacement so I thought, "Maybe it's time to try a new product".
    I tried 2 products very popular products that were not Sarvaa. These products are claimed to be "clean". The way my body immediately responded to these products was very negative. I started examining the ingredients of these other brands a little more closely and I started to see Xanthum Gum, Guar Gum, Synthetic sweeteners and very poor quality of vitamin added, all while still claiming to be of the highest, clean quality. I went back to Sarvaa to request a higher protein powder be added to their products and *lo-and-behold* they had already created one! I tried it and I'm hooked! Its just what I was looking for! I just add a scoop to my Cacao Plus and it creates a protein-packed, very clean smoothie that my body absorbs and processes easily and properly. I very much appreciate the EXTREME QUALITY of this product and its ingredients. I'm so grateful to have this product available. Thanks Sarvaa!

  • 5
    Very Nice

    Posted by Daveed Livingston on 15th Sep 2021

    So far I'm liking this better than all the other straight-up protein powders that I've tried. Sometimes I like to add this 30g powder to their Cacao Plus powder roughly 50-50 for the taste aspects and all the other good nutrition stuff in the Cacao Plus one.