*Wholesaler Inquiries*
Please see the below requirements to make sure you can meet them, *ongoing*.
Thank you for your interest in collaborating with Sarvaa Organics! We are very much interested in working high-vibe wholesalers.
Our intention is to create Win-Win collaborations with Grocery Store Coops, Functional Medicine Practitioners, Retreat Centers, and other unique retailers that are deeply committed to being of service to others.
Sarvaa Organics is a TINY company made up of a five person team. This means we have the unique ability to work with wholesalers one on one to co-create innovative relationships. This also means that our tiny team is busy meeting the needs of our retail customers, and that we're only interested in working with wholesalers who are aligned in creating an efficient, long-term, evolving relationship. Being a Sarvaa Wholesaler means you're becoming part of our small family and that you're capable of working with us from the heart.
Our products are hand-made artisan, medicinal-grade formulas designed for people whose health is their number one priority. They contain no junk sweeteners or fillers and are designed for function and empowering healing. You will feel the difference.
We've seen great success in unique retailer locations where customers/clients expect unique care, and unique products that are off of the mainstream. Note*: We do not work with large store chains.
If you want to be considered for a wholesale account, you must meet these requirements:
1. Meet the $375 minimum opening order requirement.
2. Place reorders of a minimum of $300 (this translates to ~ 12 items per reorder).
3. Submit the form below including:
a. Type of business (i.e. health food store, health practitioner, online webstore, etc.)
b. Contact Information: name, website, email, address, phone
c. Tell us how you heard about Sarvaa ? Friend, another store, google search ?
d. Please take the time to write an explanation of what your unique vision is as a retailer of Sarvaa Organics, and how you plan to take responsibility in creating a high vibe relationship with us.
4. Place a quarterly (every 3 months) order with us. If you are not placing an order quarterly, please write us and email expressing your continued interest in maintaining your wholesale status with us. If we do not hear from you for three months in a row, we will change your wholesale status back to retail status, and you will be required to reapply to be a wholesaler.
*Affiliate / Influencer Inquiries:*
Please see the below requirements to make sure you can meet them, ongoing.
Thank you for your interest in collaborating with Sarvaa Organics! We love to work with high-vibe Affiliates and Influencers who have a passion for sharing their story of healing with others!
Our most successful Affiliates and Influencers are people who have personally experienced health imbalances that they have healed or are healing through upgrading their diet and shifting their lifestyles and have chosen to share this journey with their following, and are in the practice of empowering others to heal their bodies and Mother Earth. Sarvaa Organics is a tiny business and is built on one on one relationships with our customers and team. If you're committed to building one on one relationships with your followings to inspire people who have also had or are currently struggling with imbalances like auto-immune dis-ease, brain-fog, etc., then you could be a great fit for becoming a Sarvaa Influencer. We want to work with Affiliates and Influencers who's passion is to share knowledge with others seeking to upgrade their vibrancy and heal their bodies and planet.
If you want to be considered as an Affiliate or Influencer, you must meet these requirements:
1. Share 2 posts/images of Sarvaa products with your following per month.
2. Email Sarvaa monthly to update us on your evolving intention with future posts, your successes and the obstacles you're experiencing.
3. Submit the form below including:
a. Provide a link to your social media channel/s.
b. Describe your mission (i.e. health food store, health practitioner, online webstore, etc.)
c. Include your contact information: name, website, email, address, phone
d. Please take the time to write an explanation of what your unique vision is in becoming a partner of Sarvaa Organics, and how you plan to take responsibility in creating a high vibe relationship with us.
4. Please express your interest in commission versus trade as the payment plan.
In general, we offer free give away packages, coupon commission collaborations, and email list joint ventures with our Affiliates / Influencers. The style and type of collaboration is customized to each unique relationship. If you're interested in healing and helping others do the same, and LOVE Sarvaa's superfoods, then please write us and tell us more!
Joshua, Owner and Manager.
Please contact me at care@sarvaaorganics.com for more details.